Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's Been too long!!

Well it has been a while since I have updated! I apologize... Anyways between school and Ava I have little time to do much else! A lot has happened in the past month or so below is a recap:
1. We moved to Massillon.... and love it! I have a basement with a playroom, a laundry room and a pretty nice size back yard!!
2. Ava turned one.... can you believe it? My baby that was just a newborn a few short months ago is now a TODDLER
3. Ava is now walking... and getting into everything! I can hardly keep up with her.... it is crazy how fast those tiny legs can carry her.
4. We got a new puppy( i will post a pic soon). He is a boxer and it now 12 weeks old. He is a cutie and his name is Tiger and he is a cutie!
5. We are getting a new car... today we signed everything and they just have to go pick it up from Columbus! It is a 2008 Mazda tribute, fully loaded!! I AM IN LOVE!It is soooo cute! It has all leather, a moon roof and is just beautiful! I secretly wanted a mini van like krystle.... it has so much room for stuff!

Well that is just a recap of what has been going on... well I need to go I am sleepy! night night!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Valentine's Day

This is Ava on our V-day photoshoot... sorry she is snotty... ummm it's COLD SEASON!

Well, sorry this is so late... I have recently been reminded that I need to UPDATE! haha

Valentine's Day was Thursday and because Ryan is so WONDERFUL he took the day off!! After class I came home to a FULLY cleaned house, bathed kid, who was also dressed and lunch! Wonderful.... Then Ry left to do some last minute shopping. He got me the brand new coach purse, and diamond earrings? Could I ask for anything else.... no but I will! Well yes, my little Ava got me a coach wallet to match.... for such a little thing she sure knows how to spoil her mommy! haha Then he took me out to dinner with a few friends! We went to Lone Star which was good but bad service... needless to say we were there from 830pm until after 10pm! WTF??? Seriosuly there were like maybe 5 tables of people... and a crap load of servers!! Ava enjoyed her meal as did mommy and daddy.... She was pretty good for the lack of service and the fact that she was thirsty and had to wait 15mins for some water!! haha She has no patience!

After dinner we came home put on our jammies, laid Ava down and watched a movie together! It was so relaxing!! After the movie we......

do you really want me to tell you?HAHA JK we are like an old married couple... WE WENT TO BED! We looked at each other with eyes like "please tell me you are too tired too.... please" Thank god we both agreed and we had a GOOD nights sleep! Well that was our V-day! It was great.... life is great.... what more could I ask for?

PS P my goal is to update this at least twice a weeek.... krystle c

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

She DID IT!!

Well Saturday night Ava just wasn't tired, it must have been all the cake she ate at Sophie's birthday party... I will post pics! (I promise to upload them tomorrow!) Anyways she grabbed her walk behind toy, stood up and took a step. Since Sat. at like midnight, she has not stopped walking. I can't believe my little baby is a walking toddler. Although she is not walking solo, she is walking and it getting places A LOT faster! She constantly has me on my toes... o the joy! haha!

My Diet:
Well, I started a diet about 5 days ago and I have lost about 10 pounds. Everything is going great! My goal is to not look like a beached whale at the beach this summer! lol!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Why is Ava such a princess for her dad?

Well classes started on Monday, so far so good... I can't wait until Spring Break...better yet VACATION!!! Anyways now that I am in class, Ryan has Ava for the first half of the day. I always have trouble during nap times, she just doesn't enjoy taking them for me unless she is so tired she can't stand it. Ryan on the other hand can lay her down even without the bink and she will fall asleep for hours.... God I am soooo jealous!

Anyways this is just an update on our lives! Ava is doing great! Today though I didn't get to see it, she stood up by herself and stood for a few minutes without holding onto anything!! OMG she is growing up... pretty soon I will be chasing after a walking baby! That makes my heart totally hurt!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Shoes

Well yesterday we went to Stride Rite to get shoes for Ava. While I have been buying her size 2 and they fit, they sized her at a size 3 1/2! I was shocked by this but I guess this is why she has never left her shoes on. Since we have purchased them she has not touched them, all she likes to do is look at them haha so funny! Anyways she looks likes such a big girl in her new shoes. I will post some pics ASAP so you all can see how cute they are

Today Ava turned 10 months old. I can't believe it has been 10 months since my little princess was born. It brings a tear to my eye thinking that as the days pass and she gains her independence.... GASP she may not need me one day!!! One an upside she got 2 new teeth today... can you believe it... 2 teeth in 1day!!!! She got her second top tooth and a tooth to the right of her bottom two! No wonder she has been chewing on her crib... in which she has ruined the one rail.... We call her beaver teeth when she does this... she thinks it is hilarious!! Don't worry we have tried to the slip on rail covers... she pulls them off and the sticky ones that are only removable with heat... well she chewed those off... hmmm that's why she was so quiet!! LOL

I will post pics soon.... mucho amore!

Monday, January 7, 2008

My reasoning behind this...

Well I have two reasons for starting this blog....
1. krystle's motivated me to be a little more productive... or is it counter-productive because I am really not getting anything in "reality" done... haha anyways
2. I really started it because deep down when Ava turns 16 and is driving me absolutley insane... I will set her little butt down to see what I have dealt with the last decade and a half... and maybe she will appreciate me!! haha that is wishful thinking I am sure.... I really want her to see that even though I was young when I had her... and sure I am new at all this... we had a great time, and I was a great mommy... despite what her new found opinion maybe....

So Ava, if you are 16 and reading this.... enjoy these blogs of your milestones.... they are your firsts as a baby, and mine as a mommy.

The Flu

This was taken off Myspace.... Krystle motivated me to start one of these!!

While everyone around us seemed to be getting the flu.... our family seemed safe up until Friday afternoon. We met Ryan for lunch at Penn Station (DELICIOUS) and on the way home I heard a sound I hadn't experienced since Ava was 4 months old.... the sound of a blow out... I cringed and pulled over! She was giggling and clapping as mommy gagged at the smell and sight of my little one's present she had left her mommy.... Well time to dig in and get home so we can bathe her... I reached for the wipes only to find they were a frozen block of useless.... damn it what to do now.... ok I have some hand wipes in the glove compartment and a few tissues.... ok we can do this... we are resourceful!!! So I wipe up all the yucky with the tissues and had 2 tiny "restaurant style" hand wipes.... and with a lot of folding and practice I managed to get it ALL! I know kudos to me right... wrong because as soon as I got home she had another blowout and I wasn't feeling to swell... WE both spent the entire day hugging buckets and taking baths because this stuff is RIDICULOUS to get off her little butt... I swear it stained it yellow... SORRY TMI!! Anyways the flu did not effect Ava like it did me... she was bubbly and happy the whole time while I felt like DEATH... haha isn't it crazy how these little babies deal with illness much better than adults!

Anyways after 2 days of this... we are poop free and happy little girls! I am sure this aided in my weight loss... lol!

I am just so happy to have things back to normal!